Page name: day-dreamers united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-08 12:48:15
Last author: ~Lady Morgana~
Owner: ~Lady Morgana~
# of watchers: 24
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*Day-Dreamers United*

Do you know the situation, you are sitting somewhere ... dreaming ... someone touches you and you are really shocked because you were lost in your mind? THAN LADY OR GENTLEMAN you are a DAY-DREAMER!!! ;)

With me its always the same! If there is a very boring person talking and talking I am lost.
I love driving with a train because there I am able to dream ... the most annoying thing about our society is that nobody is able to take the time to dream!!!!!

I would be pleased to know that you are real day-dreamers, so I would like to hear about you dreams, all your imagined situations and your wishes!!!

I m very sorry that your old banner isn t working anymore!!! But i made a banner room for all our ideas!!!!

[~Lady Morgana~]

*the day-dreamers*


*day dreamer banner room*

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2004-04-25 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: yep!

2004-04-25 [Fleuryrose]: What made you decide to join the army/military school? Or did I read something about your parents being in the military as well...

2004-04-25 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: My parents are... I'm not...

2004-04-25 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: I'm just in an american school on an military base...

2004-04-25 [Fleuryrose]: Oh I am sorry I was mistaken. But do you enjoy your life out there? I guess it could be nice,you are in another country but still your own culture is widely represented.

2004-04-25 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: -,-I it's like living in the middle of no where yet not...

2004-04-25 [Fleuryrose]: Hmm,that doesn't sound so promising,do you plan on living there for a long period of time?

2004-04-26 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: If I controlled where I lived I wouldn't live here...

2004-04-26 [Fleuryrose]: Hmm but are you planning on moving then in the future,I am sorry but what's your age ?

2004-04-26 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: 14

2004-04-26 [Fleuryrose]: O okay,well I guess it will take at least 4 more years until you can decide where to live,any ideas yet?

2004-04-26 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: nope...

2004-04-26 [Fleuryrose]: But have you lived in the states before,or were you born in germany?

2004-04-26 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: I'ved lived in the states...

2004-04-26 [Fleuryrose]: I have never lived anywhere else than in the house I still live in,it's pretty boring actually,but I don't see myself travelling the globe either,too freakin' expensive!

2004-04-27 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: and annoying!

2004-04-27 [Fleuryrose]: Hi Angelboy! Did you actually take that name because you feel so very angelic?

2004-04-27 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: nope...

2004-04-27 [Fleuryrose]: Why did you then?

2004-04-27 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: I play MTG(magic the gathering) which is a card game... I play angels...

2004-04-27 [Fleuryrose]: Okay now I understand!

2004-04-27 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: yep!

2004-04-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: hey!!!!i think we need more promotion...i think nearly nobody knows about this wiki... :S

2004-04-28 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah,It's just me and angelboy talking all the time,haha.

2004-04-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: i know! ;)

2004-04-28 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok so... we need a banner!

2004-04-28 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: or a music file!

2004-04-28 [Fleuryrose]: Haha,stupidly I can't play music anymore I erased certain essential software from my pc...

2004-04-28 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: -,-* banner then?

2004-04-28 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah,I guess that would be better! But Mailin (Morgan) is off for a few hours...I'll ask her later!

2004-04-28 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: -,-*

2004-04-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah!!!!a banner is a great idea!!!! ... but what kind of banner?

2004-04-28 [Fleuryrose]: A banner with a person gazing out,just sitting someplace daydreaming...

2004-04-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: i thought about it too,i tried to draw it but i couldn t...

2004-04-28 [Fleuryrose]: Oe well do not worry we'll find something for this place!

2004-04-28 [~Lady Morgana~]: i hope so!!!GOOD NIGHT!!!! ;)

2004-04-28 [Fleuryrose]: Goodnight!! ^_^

2004-04-29 [~Lady Morgana~]: hmm ...

2004-04-29 [~Lady Morgana~]: *thinkin hardly* hmm ...

2004-04-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: any ideas?anyone?

2004-04-30 [mordria]: Maby I can draw something, Oh can you put me as member mailin ??

2004-04-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: of cause!!!

2004-04-30 [mordria]: cool banner, banner is so cool, so cool is just so cool haha very daydreaming

2004-04-30 [Fleuryrose]: I like it! It looks both sweet and enchanting!

2004-04-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: i want to make it smaller ...

2004-04-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: i didn t draw it,of cause ...

2004-04-30 [Fleuryrose]: You did a great job!

2004-04-30 [Fleuryrose]: No,I don't think it needs to be any smaller. You can leave it like this.

2004-04-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: ok! ;)

2004-04-30 [mordria]: to make things smaller most of the time you have to change the y=? change the ? to a smaller one

2004-04-30 [~Lady Morgana~]: ????O_o

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: <img:>

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: do you like it angelboy?

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: yeah it's neat!

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: :D

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: what?

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: i m happy that you like it!!!!

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: np...

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: :D

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,o?

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: ;) how are you?

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: good... looking for ppl for Life on Fornia

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: what is it?

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: an rpg...

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh i see ... i never played any on et ...

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: want to?]

2004-05-01 [Fleuryrose]: How does it work?

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: just click the lind-Life on Fornia and read it...

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: i still don t understand have a charakter but where do you act?

2004-05-01 [Fleuryrose]: I've already done that,but what does it you just start writing a story together? Where is it then,or hasn't it started yet?

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: at Fornia charactar descriptions at Fornians

2004-05-01 [~Lady Morgana~]: ok ... but i go now!!!byebye ^_^

2004-05-01 [Fleuryrose]: Alright Bye !!

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: bye! *you basically do write a story together* *it's just started*

2004-05-01 [Fleuryrose]: O alright,I might come along one of these days...

2004-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok./..

2004-05-02 [~Lady Morgana~]: heeeeeeeey peoplz!!!!!what a weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

2004-05-02 [Fleuryrose]: It went by in an instant! I need to log out...I spend way to much time in here! Haha,but I love it!

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: *smiles* i understand it ... ;)

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: hey!!!no conversation???? :S

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh damn i had such a horrible dream last night ...

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: No Not Up Here,I Am Sorry Girl!

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: What did you dream...I couldn't sleep at all last night,what happened to you?

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: i was standing on a path ... a man with a carriage drawn by four huge,black horses came and a woman with ,i think 6 panthers came too ... before they nearly met i screamed to the woman:"hey,won t the panters attack the horses?"i felt strange ... she screamed back that i won t be afraid but exactly when they met the panthers broke away and slashed the horses ... suddenly it was dark and the panthers killed the both human too.than they looked at me soo angry and i was so frightened!!!!i run away but they followed me!!!i run to a small kind of forest and one panther jumped after me and banged his head on one tree...i run to a house and in it than...upstairs in a room made of glass....

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: they couldn t follow me but it was horrible ... i can t remember the rest ...

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: I think it means that you are afraid of what might happen when your feelings of lust come in the way of your feelings of love (wild exotic predators instead of solid horses that will carry you further). It could be something else,but if I am not mistaken you are a bit afraid of if you'd get a b/f before you have seen C...And the house of glass probably stands for the fear of it all being out in the open,of everyone you can't really keep secrets or hide in a house of glass.

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: ok fleury,i think you re right ... i delited it!!!sorry!!!

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh no i forgot the wolfes ... the wolfes wanted to stop the panthers (my indian zodiac(wolfes)) but the panthers killed them too ... its always hard to describe the dream feelings!! :S

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: haha hmm was it a mistake?

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: to write it on a wiki?yeah ... too personal ...

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: haha I already figured you wouldn't want it on haha

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: why did you do it than???

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: Because I think you shouldn't be afraid of being honest,or anyone's reaction on that.

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: i m not but the thing isn t as important as it seems!!!!!!

2004-05-03 [OceanBorn]: hahaha i like the banner!!

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: really????thanks!!!! ^_^

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: Okay...but you still had a scary dream about it...Or maybe it was about your friends or parents or school...But I wonder...

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: i always have strange dreams ...

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah,sometimes they can scare the hell outta ya. I often talk in my sleep as well.

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: really?that can be embarressing!!! ;)

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: haha yeah and annoying too...but I never recall any of it.

2004-05-03 [~Lady Morgana~]: i see ... i hate my idiotic mother!!!this *********** argh!!!!!!i have to go and tomorrow i won t be on :S

2004-05-03 [Fleuryrose]: Don't hate her,just try to let go....Goodnight!

2004-05-05 [~Lady Morgana~]: i know!!! but sometimes its hard ...

2004-05-05 [Fleuryrose]: I understand,but love is always more rewarding than hate...

2004-05-05 [~Lady Morgana~]: i know ... of cause i love her but sometimes she drives me nuts!!!!!

2004-05-05 [Fleuryrose]: I had the same thing with my mom. I guess when you are alike you argue a lot too and sometimes moms just have weird opinions...It just has to be that way apparently...

2004-05-05 [~Lady Morgana~]: i think so ...

2004-05-06 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,o?

2004-05-06 [Fleuryrose]: Don't worry we'll keep on dreaming,even when our parents are mad at us...just keep on dreamin'!

2004-05-08 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: -,-*

2004-05-09 [~Lady Morgana~]: :S

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah,well ya gotta do something,otherwise they'll drive us crazy!

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: true...

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: Hey Angelboy! How are ya!!?

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: good... *tired*... and you?

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah,I am a little drowsy myself. But I feel very fine! I have gotten my first tattoo ever (the day before yesterday) !!! I'll put a pic of it on elf soon.

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: o,O

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: O I've put it on! Do you like tattoos?

2004-05-09 [~Lady Morgana~]: yeah i do!!!

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: O I am so happy...It definitely doesn't dissapoint me...and it didn't even hurt that much!

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: no... not really...

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: I actually even liked it at times,pain can be nice I guess...I am little sadomasochistic I'm afraid...hihihaha

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,o?

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: HaHa,I'll shut up about it,I might be scaring you guys...Hahaha

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok then...

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: Okay, I am getting a little hungry out here,I am going to prepare dinner for tonight!

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok...

2004-05-09 [Fleuryrose]: Something strange is going on with the elftownclock's about 2 hours and 20 minutes off..

2004-05-09 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: O,o?

2004-05-11 [deleted, gone]: hey love wiki! can i join?

2004-05-11 [Fleuryrose]: Sure! Ask Mailin/Morgan when she's on!

2004-05-11 [deleted, gone]: cool thanx!

2004-05-11 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: I hae a poll... can y'all plz take it?

2004-05-11 [~Lady Morgana~]: HEY!!!we ve got two new members!!!! :D :D :D  sure i ll do angie!!! ;)

2004-05-11 [Fleuryrose]: Okay,I'll check it out as well!

2004-05-11 [~Lady Morgana~]: WELCOME TO THE DAY-DREAMERS!!!!!!!!

2004-05-16 [~Lady Morgana~]: hey,you all!!!my sweet members!!!^^ how are you all???

2004-05-16 [Fleuryrose]: Mighty Fine....but you already know that...=)

2004-05-16 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahah ... the conversation is dieing on the dreamers ... ARE YOU ALL DREAMING,OR WHAT IS WRONG????

2004-05-17 [Fleuryrose]: Goodmorning...o well don't worry I'll start it again...

2004-05-17 [Fleuryrose]: Gosh,I just woke up,the sun is out shining but indoors it's pretty freaking cold!

2004-05-17 [Fleuryrose]: I couldn't fall asleep easily yesterday...I was daydreaming about all the boys in my life...I had to giggle all the time...hahaha ^_^

2004-05-17 [~Lady Morgana~]: funny !!!!hahahahha!!!!!i m fine ... alcohol at school ... ahahhahah its inas birthday!!!!!!!weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

2004-05-17 [Fleuryrose]: Yeeeeeeee!!!

2004-05-17 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: Oo?

2004-05-18 [deleted, gone]: yeahy im a day dreamer..........

2004-05-18 [unavailable]: can I be a member? I love daydreaming...

2004-05-18 [Fleuryrose]: Sure!! Hi! Nina I presume ? Ask Mailin (morgan)...she'll put you up!

2004-05-18 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ...

2004-05-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: OF COUSE I LL SIGN YOU UP!!!! :D :D :D WEEEEEEEE

2004-05-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: oh ...

2004-05-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: ... i was sreaming ... sorry ... but ...

2004-05-18 [~Lady Morgana~]: I LIKE TO SCREAM!!! *LOL*

2004-05-19 [unavailable]: No I'm an official daydreamer :D :p

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: Yeah,wahey!! Enjoy!

2004-05-19 [deleted, gone]: so whats new all?

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: Hmm my freaking new pc is fucking me up....I am in the library now...sigh...How are you?

2004-05-19 [unavailable]: fine ^^

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: I think I might try cableinternet...and I hope I can get it installed by a professional,then things just have to work!

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: And I am glad you feel fine!

2004-05-19 [BigGiantX]: cool me is joined without me knowing it ....that is daydreaming :P

2004-05-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: hahahhhaaa you asked me!!!don t you remember??? O_o

2004-05-19 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: <img:> ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: But what do you want us to do then,with this?

2004-05-19 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: i dunno...

2004-05-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: *simles* looks very funny!!!^^

2004-05-19 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: -,-*

2004-05-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: ^^

2004-05-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: how are you???

2004-05-19 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: good! using my left hand to type and right to hold a milkshake...

2004-05-19 [deleted, gone]: using right hand to type + left to crochet. making a scarf in the winter. hows that for sense! lol

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: wow...I can never do more than one thing at a time...

2004-05-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: i m on msn at the moment ...

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: yeah,I'm so sorry honey...but I can't get on it....:S

2004-05-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: :S damn thechnology ...

2004-05-19 [BigGiantX]: morgan i really dont care ...but it is fine :)

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: A little more enthousiasm would be appreciated though...

2004-05-19 [BigGiantX]: me me is tired now ......

2004-05-19 [~Lady Morgana~]: me too ..

2004-05-19 [Fleuryrose]: Okay then I understand!

2004-05-19 [dark_vamp]: when was your first daydream? If you can remember!

2004-05-20 [Fleuryrose]: OOO It must have been when I was really young...I think it's a natural part of man...the whole dream consciousness is here to connect us with the spirits/ know where we come from.

2004-05-20 [~Lady Morgana~]: i always day dream ... since i was born ...

2004-05-20 [dark_vamp]: same here. I love day dreaming. And those who dont aren't normal.

2004-05-20 [Fleuryrose]: Hi dark_vamp,do you believe in reincarnation?

2004-05-21 [IndigoRose]: *sigh* I not day dreaming? *shakes head* I think it's all switched around....where reality is a nightmare ....this is completely out of context obviously...........but I don't give a fig......

2004-05-21 [IndigoRose]: I'll fill in for [dark_vamp] right now....sorry, i just feel like stepping in someone else's shoes for once......with smaller feet i'm sure.....I'm questioning reincarnation....I don't throw out the idea because there is always a sense of deja vous with me...and i'm connected to specific places I've never been to. Or when i go some place, sometimes I'll feel unusually at home. I don't know.....I question everything so reincarnation is something that I think about most often

2004-05-21 [IndigoRose]: Do you believe in reincarnation [Fleuryrose]? And if you were to come back as something, and you could choose, what or who would it be?

2004-05-21 [BigGiantX]: hello me is good awake and ....still seeing ...dragons...and pink  bunny´s this daydream is not nice nightmare!!!!!!!!!

2004-05-21 [deleted, gone]: hmmmm so bored, had a very oddd dream

2004-05-21 [dark_vamp]: yes i believe in reincarnation! why do you ask?

2004-05-21 [Fleuryrose]: I'll come back soon to discuss it all...I am staying at my cousin's for the weekend...Bye!

2004-05-22 [dark_vamp]: i was wondering if i could join you fellow day dreamers

2004-05-22 [~Lady Morgana~]: of cause you can join!!!!^^just ask i ll do!!! ;)

2004-05-22 [~Lady Morgana~]: now you are a member!!!^^

2004-05-24 [Ishje]: daydreamers sounds like somthing for me

2004-05-24 [unavailable]: hey I know you ;)

2004-05-24 [dark_vamp]: thanx

2004-05-24 [deleted, gone]: hmm new members yay!

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